Thursday, June 9, 2011

Due Date.

Today was supposed to be our due date. But it is not.
I have thinking about this day for a while now. Out of no where this thought would pop into my head... June 9th is coming. I anticipated this day to be such a sad day in my heart. To feel so incredibly deeply the loss of our little girl who is now in heaven with Jesus. I have already cried about this day and prayed about this day. This day was supposed to be the day that we might have possibly brought Liyah home from the hospital and put her in her nursery. And had our home filled with life and joy and laughter. But that is not happening today.
But there are other things happening today. Good things, all around me. I went on a walk this morning and God reminded me of all these good things...

I have an incredibly sweet husband who loves me and who is healthy and full of LIFE. And I get to share my LIFE with him.

I have two arms and two legs and a pumping heart. I am able to go on walks, and create things, and I am healthy and God had sustained my LIFE.

I have two big  families who I adore and who bring joy to my heart and comfort to my soul and everyone of their LIFE's I love.

I have neices and nephews who represent LIFE to me every day. They make me happy when I spend time with them. They are precious little LIFE's to me.

I have friends who remind me that LIFE is good. They listen and they care and they love me.

I have a safe home and little garden that grows and brings LIFE and nourishment to my body.

Our church family is full of LIFE and people that I love. People that I get to walk alongside and do LIFE with.

I have a Heavenly Father who has granted me LIFE, 29 (...almost 30) years ago. He saw fit to grant my mom with a little LIFE called, Merced because He has a good plans for my LIFE (Rom. 8:28) and He has good works prepared in advance for me to do (Eph.2:10).
And only He could be so kind to grant me such a new perspective on this day.

So I think about our precious little LIFE that was in me for 21 weeks, named Liyah Mercy Wright. I am a sad that she is gone, and I will forever miss her. And today I will be sad off and on all day. But at the same time...
today, I am going to choose to celebrate LIFE.

Join me.
Liyah Mercy- we love you.


  1. Thank you for sharing your heart. You are an encouragement to us all. I will continue to pray for healing and God's peace for you and Paul. God is a great healer of all our pain. Your dependance on him is amazing to see. Thank you again for sharing.

  2. What a beautiful way to celebrate this day and look for God's goodness through the sadness. Thank you for sharing your heart and for reminding us all of the LIFE that our Savior has blessed us with and to be thankful for each day.

  3. Praise the Lord for getting you through the day... thank you for your testimony through it :) We still continue to think of you and Paul and pray for you as the thoughts come. Blessings!
